Kendal Map

Kendal map and guide, detailed street map of Kendal located in the South Lakeland district of Cumbria.

Detailed Street Map of Kendal Cumbria

Kendal Map: Above is a street map of Kendal in Cumbria, use the zoom (+) button to move in and get a detailed street map of Kendal town centre, so you can find your way around the town. On this Kendal map you will clearly see Kendall railway station and also the Jubilee Playing Fields. To the west of Kendal you will see a green area which represents the Lake District National Park.

Kendal Cumbria: Kendal is a town in Cumbria, in England, UK. Located on the River Kent, to the south of Carlisle, in 2001 its population is 27,521 inhabitants. Kendal historically was part of Westmorland. Its gray limestone buildings earned it the nickname of "Auld Grey Town". Mentioned by the Domesday Book under the name Cherchbi, it has long been known Kirkbie Kendal or "village with a church in the valley of Kent."

A Norman fort was built there when the settlement was called Kirkbie Strickland. The town then developed a large market, specializing in the wool industry, and its feudal castle was successively rebuilt in the 12th century. Kendal was from 1888 to 1974 the administrative county seat of Westmorland. Catherine Parr, sixth and final wife of Henry VIII was born in Kendal.

Kendal can be reached via the A6, the A65 and the A684, it is to the south of Penrith and Carlisle.

Kendal is a driving distance of about 8 miles from Bowness-on-Windermere, 28 miles from Penrith, 47 miles from Carlisle, 83 miles from Liverpool, and 264 miles from London, the closest airport to Kendal is Blackpool International at about 56 miles (Carlisle Airport is also about the same distance).

Kendal Map Links: Ambleside Map - Appleby Map - Keswick Map - Portinscale Map - Grasmere Map