Portinscale Map

Portinscale map, detailed street map of Portinscale, Cumbria, a village near to Keswick in the Lake District.

Detailed Street Map of Portinscale Lake District Cumbria

Portinscale Map: Above you can view an interactive street map of Portinscale a village in the Lake District which is a popular tourist destination located close to Keswick and near to the western edge of Derwentwater in Cumbria.

Portinscale: Location of a number of self-catering holiday cottages, Portinscale is in the northern section of the Lake District National Park near to Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite Lake. It is within walking distance of Keswick, about 15 minutes using the footpath over the River Greta which is the nicest way to get there. Portinscale has some facilities with a village store where you can stock up on the basics, pub (The Farmers Arms) and tearoom.

Portinscale Weather: Check out the latest weather in Portinscale here: Portinscale Weather.

More Cumbria Info: Cumbria Map

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