Keswick Map

Keswick map, showing the location of the Cumbria lakeside town of Keswick, located near to Derwent Water.

Detailed Street Map of Keswick Cumbria

Keswick Map Cumbria: Detailed street map of Keswick, a small town and popular torusit destination, situated beside Derwent Water, in the Lake District, Cumbria. Visible on this Keswick map are Thrushwood, Castlerigg, the Cumberland Pencil Museum, and part of Derwent Water.

Use controls to get a Keswick town centre map, revealing the location of the Keswick Museum and Art Gallery and the Keswick Community Hospital.

Keswick Cumbria: A small market town and parish situated close to Derwent Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, Keswick has a population of just under 5,000, this of course swells considerably during the summer, due to a large influx of tourists.

First recorded as a town during the 13th century, when it was called Kesewic, Keswick held its first market in 1276, after being granted a charter to do so by King Edward I. Keswick market is still held in the town centre on Saturdays.

Places to visit in and around Keswick include the Castlerigg Stone Circle, the Cumberland Pencil Museum, the Keswick Museum and Art Gallery, and the Cars of the Stars Motor Museum, Derwent Water is of course a big local attraction, and a pier near Keswich houses the Theatre by the Lake, where many excellent productions are performed. You can take a pleasant walk to the nearby village of Portinscale by taking the footpath over the River Greta, have a drink in the Farmers Arms while you are there.

Keswick can be reached via the A66, the A591 and the B5289, it is located about 18 miles from Penrith, 21 miles from Windermere (town), 29 miles from Kendal, 37 miles from Carlisle, and a driving distance of 306 miles from London.

More Keswick Information: Keswick Weather

More Cumbria Information: Cumbria Map

More Keswick Map Links: Ulverston - Appleby - Ambleside - Whitehaven