Newton Abbot Map

Newton Abbot map, view the Devon town of Newton Abbot, located to the north of Torquay.

Detailed Street Map of Newton Abbot Devon

Newton Abbot Map Devon: Interactive map of Newton Abbot, displaying the town situated to the north of Torbay in Devon, south-west England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Newton Abbot or get a Newton Abbot town centre map, which shows Coombeshead College, the Newton Abbot Town and Great Western Railway Museum, Ford Hall Social Club and the Newton Abbot Railway Station.

Also on this Newton Abbot map are Kingsteignton, Bradley Valley, East Ogwell, Wolborough, and Milber, the Oval shape of the famous racecourse can be seen north of the river, between Newton Abbot and Kingsteignton (zoom right in to view).

A market town on the River Teign in Devon, Newton Abbot is most famous for its racecourse located north of the town.

Possibly settled as long ago as the Neolithic Period, Newton Abbot was holding its weekly market by the 13th century, it grew rapidly during Victorian times, after the arrival of the South Devon Railway in 1846. Modern day Newton Abbot has a population of 23,580.

In Newton Abbot visit the Newton Abbot Museum, Hackney Marshes, the Decoy Country Park and Bradley Manor House.

Newton Abbot is 7 miles from Torquay, 18 miles from Exeter and 104 miles from Bristol, and can be reached via the A380, the A381 or the A382.

Newton Abbot Information: Newton Abbot Weather

Nearby Attractions: Dartmoor National Park

Devon Info: MAP - WEATHER

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