Bayford Map and Guide

Handy Bayford map, and guide to the Hertfordshire village.

Detailed Street Map of Bayford Hertfordshire

Bayford Map: Above is a detailed street map of Bayford, a small village located to the south of Hertford, in Hertfordshire. Shown on this Bayford map are the main roads, Ashendene Road, Bayford Green, Well Row, Bayford Lane, and Church Lane, you can also see Bayford Railway Station.

Bayford: A pretty village situated about 3 miles to the south of Hertford, Bayford has a population of around 400, and is a well kept village which has competed successfully in various 'best kept village' awards.

The manor was once owned by Sir William Baker, and in 1758 he commissioned the building of Bayfordbury, a mansion which is now home to the University of Hertfordshire's observatory.

Bakers Arms Bayford: For your accommodation in the village, you could try the Bakers Arms Bayford, a traditional village pub, which also offers bed and breakfast.

Bayford can be accessed by mainline railway, or via Bayford Lane from the Lower Hatfield Road (the B158), it is about 3 miles from Hertford and about 30 miles driving distance from central London.

More Bayford Information: Bayford Weather

Hertfordshire Info: Hertfordshire Map

Hertfordshire Places: Letchworth - Hoddesdon - Ware - Hatfield - Cheshunt