Potters Bar Map

Potters Bar map, view the Hertfordshire town of Potters Bar, located just north of the M25 motorway.

Detailed Street Map of Potters Bar Hertfordshire & Town Guide

Potters Bar Map Hartfordshire: Interactive map of Potters Bar, showing the small town located just north of the M25 motorway in the county of Hertfordshire, England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Potters Bar, showing Potters Bar Railway Station, a town centre map, or view different Hertfordshire areas.

Also on this Potters Bar map are Northaw, North Mimms, Wrotham Park, Leggatts Park, Dyrham Park, Redwell Wood, Walsingham Wood, Hookwood and the Potters Bar Golf Club.

Zoom out to view South Mimms, Welham Green, Brookmans Park, Cuffley, Monken Hadley and Colney Heath.

Possibly the site of a Roman pottery (hence the name), Potters Bar has mostly developed since the 13th century as a small village, probably being populated from the growing village of South Mimms. These days it has a population of around 20,000 and it is part of London's commuter belt with easy access to the M25 motorway. Its parish church of St Mary the Virgin was consecrated in 1915.

Potters Bar can be accessed from the M25 motorway, the A1000 and the A111.

Hertfordshire Info: Hertfordshire Weather

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