Wheathampstead Hertfordshire Map

Wheathampstead map, view the Hertfordshire village of Wheathampstead within the district of St Albans.

Detailed Street Map of Wheathampstead Hertfordshire

Wheathampstead Map Hertfordshire: Interactive map of Wheathampstead, showing the village located north of St Albans in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire or village centre map of Wheathampstead, showing the Wheathampstead Memorial Hall and the St Helen C of E Church.

A pretty village with a population of around 6,000, Wheathampstead is in the St Albans district and is 4.5 miles from the centre of St Albans. Wheathampstead has a long history, probably preceding the Roman conquest of Britain. Called Watamestede in the Domesday Book, Wheathampstead possibly gets its name from "wet homestead" relating to the areas of water meadows around the village. The parish church of St Helen was possibly built on an earlier Anglo-Saxon church, the tower dates from 1290.

Also on this Wheathampstead map are Marshall's Heath, Lea Valley, Aldwickbury Park Golf Club, and Lamerwood Golf Club. By zooming out you can see Harpenden, Gustard Wood, Ayot St Lawrence, Kimpton and Sandridge.

Wheathampstead can be accessed by road via the B653 and the B651, it is 4.5 miles from St Albans and 8.5 miles from Luton.


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