Hemel Hempstead Map

Hemel Hempstead map, view the Hertfordshire town of Hemel Hempstead, to the west of St Albans.

Detailed Street Map of Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire

Hemel Hempstead Map Hertfordshire: Interactive map of Hemel Hempstead, showing the location of the busy town located to the west of St Albans in Hertfordshire, England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Hemel Hempsted or to view different Hertfordshire areas.

Also on this Hemel Hempstead map are Great Gaddesden, Water End, Potten End, Kings Langley, Little Heath, Bourne End, Bovingdon, Piccotts End and Nettleden. Use the zoom in button (+) for a Hemel Hempstead town centre map.

First settled during the 8th century, Hemel Hempstead was developed as a new town after the Second World War, it now has a population of around 80,000 inhabitants. Recorded as Hamelamesede in the Domesday Book, when it had a population of just one hundred. The first people moved into the New Town in April 1949.

Hemel Hempstead can be can be easily accessed from the M1 motorway and from the A41, it is about 6 miles from Berkhamsted, 10 miles from St Albans, 11 miles from Tring, 14 miles from Watford, and a driving distance of 30 miles from central London.

More Hemel Hempstead Information: Hemel Hempstead Weather

Hemel Hempstead Map Links: Rickmansworth - Chesham - Hatfield - Ashley Green - Redbourn