Hertford Map

Hertford map, view the Hertfordshire county town of Hertford located to the east of Welwyn Garden City.

Detailed Street Map of Hertford in Hertfordshire

Hertford Map: Interactive map of Hertford, showing the location of the county town of Hertfordshire, England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Hertford or to view different surrounding areas.

Also on this Hertford map are Waterford, Westmill, Hertford Heath and Hertingfordbury, by zooming out you can view Ware, Panshanger, Bayford, Stapleford, Bramfield and Hoddesdon.

Hertford is an affluent town with a population of around 30,000, parts of Hertford Castle date from 1463. The first written record of Hertford dates from AD 673, earthwork fortifications were constructed by Edward the Elder in AD 912.

Attractions in Hertford include Hertford Castle which was built on the site of Edward the Elders earthworks, it was mostly rebuilt by Henry II, and was well used by Henry VIII.

Hertford can be accessed from the A414 or the A10, it is 3 miles from Welwyn Garden City and 18 miles from London. Hertford has rail links with London Liverpool Street, London Moorgate and London Kings Cross.

Hertford Map Links: Hertford Weather

Hertfordshire Info: Hertfordshire Map

Hertfordshire Places: Letchworth Map - Baldock Map - Ware Map - Hatfield Map - Watford - St Albans

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